Sunday, July 15, 2007

40k List: Iyanden III

"Their arrogance is matched only by their firepower."

I'm keeping all my Dark Reapers. What I have left comes in at a cool 4000 points. I don't think I would ever pick anything up again, other than Titans and a Mk II Scorpion. I don't like the chassis on the Cobra, I would pick up a Scorpion and then convert a second turret for it.

Farseer w/ Runes of Warding, Spirit Stones, Doom, Fortune
Autarch w/ Power Weapon, Avenger Shuriken Catapult
Warlock Bodyguard (10 models)

Harlequin Troupe (10 models)
Striking Scorpions (10 models)

Dire Avengers (10 models)
3x Guardians (14 models)
Wraithguard (11 models)
Pathfinders (6 models)
Guardian Storm Squad (11 models)

Swooping Hawks (6 models)
2x Vyper

2x Wraithlord
2x Fire Prism
2x D-Cannon (2 guns)
2x Dark Reapers (5 models)

Nice army, 4000 might make for a good game of Apocolypse. The idea with the Reapers is that they are only pulled out when they need the really big guns.

I honestly don't know if it would be an effective army for Apocolypse. I think in Apocolypse you're going to see army lists changing because of all the guns on the board. Falcons will be even better because they can soak up so much firepower. There is only so much room on the table for manouvering infantry units, especially large ones so static long range supporting fire power becomes disproportionately more useful.

But then on the other hand, Apocolypse is really just about putting all your models on the table and having a good time. Why field 10 Leman Russ tanks when you can field 30? XD

Friday, July 13, 2007

40k List: Iyanden II

"Our home, our craftworld, our floating fortress amongst the stars, Craftworld Jailinth is beginning to reel from the numerous setbacks and defeats that stand alongside our daring victories and triumph. Our race is dwindling ever more with the ensuing rush of the centuries, new enemies and old nipping at the scattered remains of our past glory. Even the mighty Eldrad himself -- mightest amongst us -- fell in a recent campaign, pitted against the most powerful of all our enemies. Our enemies are many. Our numbers are few. We will stand forever."
- Battle-Seer Tilithas, Advisor to Autarchs, Master of the Art of War, Master of the Blade

I'm selling
- Full squad of Banshees
- Full squad of Fire Dragons
- Full squad of Warp Spiders
- Full squad of Dark Reapers including an EML conversion
- 14 Guardians with a Platform
- 1 D-Cannon/Vibro Cannon
- 1 metal Avatar War God of Shortness
- Two plastic Wave Serpent kits, including the extended rear end (sigh). Pity, because they look really nice. If and when I have money again I want to get the Forge World Falcon spoilers, or maybe I can convert something.

Who knows how much I'll get for it, I'm putting it up as one big lot. It's a sweet deal, nice selection perfect for someone starting out.

I still have a good 2000 to 3000 points.
- Forge World Avatar, when I get it
- 2 Farseers
- 14 Warlocks which I'm cutting into pieces and putting together again. Should be a nice centerpiece as a 10 man bodyguard. I'd like to convert some more but I need robes. I'm getting a 10 man box of Empire Flagellants maybe I can use something from there.

- 10 Wraithguard. May as well keep them. I can always 'pro-paint' them Iyanden and sell them. No I didn't pay full price for them.
- Guardians. I have tons of Guardians, mostly off of Ebay. I have one 20 man squad and two 14 man squads finished. I also have a 14 man Storm squad I may as well keep, I can always paint them and put them on Ebay or sell to a local player. After that the rest of them are getting hacked up as sacrifices to convert ...

- Harlequins and Dire Avengers. I have two old 2nd ed Harlequin leaders, one is going to be my Troupe Leader and one is going to be my Shadowseer. After that I'm going to convert Harlequins mostly using my 20 Dark Eldar from the 3rd ed box set, scraps of Guardians and an odd bit here and there. Not to mention "dynamic poses". As for Dire Avengers, they are going to be Guardians with Dark Eldar heads and a bit of green stuff. With a fancy banner. Hopefully I can get 20 Dire Avengers and 8 Harlequins out of the 20 Dark Eldar + infinite Guardians but I'm not holding my breath.

- I'm keeping my two Vypers. No serious Eldar player can be without Vypers. What are you going to do 1/6 games when you're playing Cleanse and you need to fly 24" to grab the objective?
- Two metal Wraithlords, the old standbys of reliability.
- My beloved D-Cannons. I have four remaining: one squad of three, or two squads of two.
- I'm keeping my two Falcons. I also have the Forge World Brightlance turret for Wave Serpents. I have it converted to represent Fire Prisms or I can use it in a pinch to make a ghetto Wave Serpent. So I can use them
-- Fire Prism x2
-- Falcon x2
-- Or I can put Wraithguard or Dire Avengers in Wave Serpents
- I have six old rangers. I can keep them. I can sell them. Maybe I can find a local player. 'meh'. I don't really care. They're skinny.

And lastly, Aspect Warriors:
- I'm still keeping my 10 man squad of Scorpions and my 6 man squad of Swooping Hawks. I think I have a couple more Swooping Hawks and a couple more Scorpions I can sell to a local player or make into an Autarch or something. I'm keeping a squad of Dark Reapers because they're cool. Yes, I have that many. They used to be Troop choices. Yes I used to be that guy. :)
- I like Hawks and Scorpions I feel they offer a certain traditional "combined arms" aproach. I've always loved the idea of Hawks, where they fly around but they don't belong in close combat they shoot their guns and have their grenades. Warlocks, Harlequins and Dire Avengers fill a role for elite infantry otherwise missing. Scorpions are a favoured aspect as far as the craftworld's fluff is concerned, even if they miss their haywire grenades and S9 powerfist. The feel of the army and the fluff of the craftworld will be somewhat of an Iyanden-esque 'do more with less' approach. The fluff will definately continue its emphasis on the idea that while the craftworld is a smaller one, and their seers are not necessarily the most powerful, they play a role leading the forces on the battlefield.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

40k List: Iyanden

Craftworld Jailinth has finally buckled under population pressure and is no more, their warriors cut down in battle and the last remnants of their lore scattered to the wind.

I'm selling most of my Eldar miniatures on ebay. They're ugly models anyway.

I'm selling the tanks. 10 man Aspect squad + Wave Serpent is too pricey and I find Falcons dull since the change to Spirit Stones. Besides, someone will buy them.

I'm selling all my Aspect Warriors. I'm not real big on them, after years of experience I find them gimicky. I'm tempted to keep the Reapers at least, but 'meh'. They may as well go too. I'm selling my Avatar I want to get the Forge World one.

I'm left with

Farseer (Fortune and Doom)
Warlock Bodyguard w/ Enhance, Embolden, Conceal and Destructor x1 (6 models)

Wraithguard w/ Conceal and Singing Spear (6 models)
Wraithguard w/ Conceal and Singing Spear (6 models)

Guardians w/ Conceal and Scatterlaser (14 models)
Guardians w/ Conceal and Scatterlaser (14 models)
Guardians w/ Conceal and Scatterlaser (14 models)

D-Cannons (battery of 2 guns)
Wraithlord w/ Brightlance and Eldar Missle Launcher

Comes to 1663 points. Pricey. In 1500 I would probably drop a Wraithguard squad. To push to 2000 I would add more D-Cannons or another Wraithlord. I can also bring the Warlock squad up to 10 models. I'd really like to get a squad of Dire Avengers, but I probably won't. I'm tempted to include a squad of Harlequins, mostly for fluff reasons. If I find it's a losing list I may have to.

Orrrrrrr ... maybe I'll keep them. I'd really like to take them to a GT someday and test myself against the best.