Tuesday, September 16, 2008

One last one: The Orkses! or Two Armies for the Price of ... Won?

Somehow I decided it would be cool to start an Ork army. Creative juices are flowing these days for whatever reason, and it is not because I don't want to learn Web Services.

Here is a pretty cool Ork list I have come up with. I am starting with two of the new Macragge sets, Battle for the Dark Reaches or whatever it is called. From the two sets I get enough marines to fill out a marine army nicely (I call them The Blue Dragons, a Salamanders successor with a martial undertone) and the core of a nice Ork army. It also gives me maybe ... 75? models to practice painting on. Just like being a kid again!

Here is the core.

Big Mek
Burna, Kustom Force Field, 'Eavy Armour, Bosspole, 2x Grot Oilers
-> The other HQ options don't really interest me. Orks have enough interesting units you don't need to spend your points on HQ. I toyed with Weirdboyz but I decided on two Battlewagons. Maybe ... down ... the ... road. If like, I played more than once or twice a year and didn't have 10 other armies.

1x 10x Lootas, "Da Gun Boyz"
They hold the home base and provide some nice shooting. Everything else is assaulting, including vehicles. Defensively, I consider them to be an extra vehicle as far as target priority is concerned.

1x 10x Meganobz
They have TL Shootas stock, there is no need to replace that with Kombi Weapons I don't think, not when combined with the Waaagh! move. The Skorcha one is tempting. The Mek goes with these guys w/ the Kustom Force Field.

1x 6x (10x) Nobz
Stikkbombs, Big Choppas, 'Eavy Armour and a Waaagh! Banner. Nice elite squad for the Mek to join if I don't want the 400 points of Meganobz. 200 points. They get a trukk, too. Nice effective counter-charge, cheaper than the same thing on bikes.

Da Trukk
Grot Rigger, Red Paint Job. The other option is a Wrecking Ball w/ or w/o a Rokkit Launcha. Nice for that AV10 rear armour hit. Maybe Armour Plates.

1x 20x Slugga Boyz, "Da Boyz"
Stikkbombs, Nob w/ Power Klaw, Bosspole and 'Eavy Armour
These guys are an option for the main Battle Wagon, they can also march w/ a Warphead.

2x 30x Shoota Boyz, "Da Udder Boyz"
3x Big Shootas

Deff Dread, "Da Big Tako"
2x CCW, 2x Skorcha, Armour Plates, Grot Rigger
Runs beside the main Battlewagon until the Skorchas are in range.

1x 3x Killer Kans, "Da Kans"
3x Grotzooka, 3x Grot Rigger
Walks beside the main Battlewagon laying down covering fire. 6 3" templates gives a nice 9" diameter footprint.

1x 3x Killer Kans, "Da Eye Kandy"
3x Kustom Mega Blasta, 3x Grot Rigger
Gives 3 BS3 AP2 shots, and they will probably fire twice. Not bad. Handy anti-TMC shooting. I would say it is worth it. 3x Rokkit Launchas for 165 points or 3x AP2 Rokkit Launchas for 180 points. Nice upgrade. The other option is more Grotzookas but I think that is dull. 45 points more than Big Shootas, but they are better against 2+ anyway.

2x Big Shoota, Reinforced Ram, Stikkbomb Chuka
Armour Plates, Grot Rigger, Red Paint Job, Grabbin' Klaw, Wreckin' Ball, Boarding Plank
This first Battlewagon is either a Transport for the Meganobz, or a Heavy Support selection used as a ride for Da Boyz. It could also be a Transport for the Nobz squad I suppose but I want something in it that can really wreck something. I keep the Stikkbomb Chuka on it just because, even if noone is ever really going to use it. I can always take it off if I am a point or two over.
The Reinforced Ram, Grabbin' Klaw, Wreckin' Ball and Boarding Plank come to 25 points. You can't get a TL Rokkit Launcha Warbuggie for that price. Definately worth it. The Big Shootas are there for Weapon Destroyed results on the damage table.

Killkannon, 2x Big Shoota, Deff Rolla
Grot Rigger, Red Paint Job, Grabbin' Klaw, Wreckin' Ball
The second Battlewagon, the shooty one only holds 12 guys. Nice for the late game. It does not have the Stikkbomb launcha, just because. It can move 7" w/ the Red Paint Job and fire the Kannon. If it loses it, it can drive 13" with the Deff Rolla. l33tness. Grabbin' Klaw and Wreckin' Ball are another 15 points.

All in all this probably comes to about 2250 points or so.

Other Units
I don't want a Warboss, so those options are out. A SAG is not completely out of the question, especially in Apocalypse. I like the Mad Dok well enough. The other question is Mek's tools, I don't know how effective they are on their own, which leads to possibilities such as Megaarmour or a Bike. But being what I would consider a more tactical player I like the Kustom Force Field anyway.

I like Tankbustas well enough and would not be surprised if I painted up a box at some point. I like various flavors of Nobz well enough, including shooting options. I think the bikes are too expensive. I like Snikkrot but 6+ armour seems ineffective to me. I am not big on Burna boys since they lost the Armour Piercing on their Burnas, and they are still only I3 6+ on the charge with no Stikkbombs. Like Lootas you can replace three Burnas with Meks w/ Kustom Mega Blastas which could be nice.

I don't like Gretchin. I like them as accessory pieces, including a broken Zzap gun on the main Battlewagon (BS2? They can fix it later.) I like 'Ard Boyz OK but I don't feel like modelling them.

I liked Warbikers when they were Fearless. Which they no longer are. I like TL Rokkit Warbuggies w/ various upgrades. They fit the list better than Deffkoptas I think, although you can't go wrong with one or two Deffkoptas, either. I like Stormboyz w/ Boss Zagstruk OK.

I like Looted Wagons with Boomguns OK. If I was going Apocalypse I would not mind modelling two or three. Or 10. I like the Gun Batteries but am not going for them. I really like Flash Gitz but hate the fact they take a Heavy selection. If I was running a third Battlewagon and losing The Kans or The Eye Kandy I could see myself taking them.

Regarding Shooting Weapons and Upgrades
I have a nice selection of units to include, but the question 'that haunts my being' is what shooting weapons to take. The Dred used to carry TL weapons but it lost them so I am going with Skorchas. It still gets 5 attacks on the charge, or 6 w/ only one Skorcha. It is a Carnifex with a Heavy Flamer. Win.

The bitch is the anti-tank. The Meganobz are S9 on the charge, and the Nobz are S7. The Wrecking Balls are S9. Kans can take BS3 Rokkits and Kustom Mega Blastas. You can also get 4 Buggies w/ TL Rokkits for the same price. That take a Fast selection. Nothing wrong there.

The Slugga boyz can take Heavy weapons but I don't know if it is really worth it. With a 6+ save they will die anyway. They are transported first turn, soon after they Waaagh!. Better to spend the points elsewhere than to give them 20 points of Rokkit Launchas they will not use. A Wrecking Ball on Da Trukk, for instance.

I like Big Shootas with the Shoota Boyz, just because. Mostly because they are only 5 points. Rokkit Launchas are comparative to 4+ and better against 3+ but they are more expensive, too. Besides Big Shootas are cool.

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